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Wendigos in the Wilderness Author: Candace Nola Troy’s sister and her daughter, Casey, are missing in the Alaskan wilderness, lost without their gear, without explanation. Troy is frantic. It’s not like them to not communicate plans, much less to leave their survival gear. Something went wrong, bad wrong. Troy must find them before it’s too late, and both the locals and the police tell him there is only one man who knows the wilderness well enough to find them in time: the elusive Bishop. When the two meet up, the search begins, but Bishop knows more than he is telling. Bishop [...]

2024-05-05T09:58:31-07:00May 5th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , , |

Dirty Money: The Memoirs of a Stripper

A Woman's Story Author: Erin Louis Dirty Money: Memoirs of a Stripper sounds like a salacious read, but in truth, it’s more of a life story than a sex filled, dingy club romp. Erin comes forward with her story for a purpose: to disprove the stereotype that all strippers are maladjusted, drug addled, and used by the men whom they entertain. It’s not entirely successful, since Erin constantly refers to herself as the exception and talks of distrusting and disliking other strippers due to their behavior, drug dependencies, and lifestyle. But let’s take a step back for the moment. I came [...]

2024-04-22T18:32:07-07:00April 22nd, 2024|Tags: , , , , , , |

Mark of the Christian, The

What Love Has to Do With It Author: Francis Schaffer As February approached, the C.S. Lewis Institutes fellows’ study concentrated on the topic of love and preparing the fellows (yours truly being one) to engage in an urban plunge project. Enter one of our reading assignments: Schaffer’s The Mark of the Christian. This is a very short book (ok, think essay or pamphlet), but it is surprisingly impactful and thought provoking. In general, we tend to think of love as a warm fuzzy feeling. We like the heights of affection, but often not the patience and work that goes along with [...]

2024-04-21T10:32:18-07:00April 21st, 2024|Tags: , , , , |
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