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Good Earth, The

Life, Land, Love Author: Pearl S. Buck Wang Lung has never wanted anything more than land. He loves the soil he tills, and his one ambition in life is to get more land. To him, this is wealth, this is status. He starts out a simple man with simple hopes and ambitions, but as his situation improves, his greed grows. As Wang Lung builds his own personal empire, the world around him crumbles, and the China he knows changes. But no famines, wars, outside forces, or distractions, can keep him away from the land for long. When he comes to die, [...]

2024-11-11T14:01:24-07:00November 11th, 2024|Tags: , , , |

Guardian, The

Version 1.0.0 Evil Teens and Eyes in the Night Author: John Saul MaryAnne Carpenter is escaping a bad marriage. The out, however, has been attained by loss and horror. Her best friends, the Wilkensons, were both killed on their ranch. The father was killed by a good horse that suddenly went crazy and trampled him. The mother fell or was pushed off a cliff. They left behind enormous wealth and their sulky, adolescent son, Joey. MaryAnne takes her own children, leaves her abusive husband, and flees to the ranch to do her duty and take care of Joey. What [...]

2024-11-09T16:07:38-07:00November 9th, 2024|Tags: , , , |

Devil Takes You Home, The

“Sometimes God is your copilot, but it’s the Devil who takes you home.” Author: Gabino Iglesias Mario will do anything to save his daughter. Even if that means killing strangers. With the hospital bills mounting and her treatments becoming increasingly exotic and expensive, there isn’t much choice. What is morality worth, really, if his daughter dies? But die she does, and Mario is left with the bills, a broken marriage, and a tormented soul. With glee, he turns fully to crime and finds out that he’s good at it. Beneath the love of a father was the soul of a killer. But Mario wants his [...]

2024-11-07T19:22:12-07:00November 7th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |
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