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Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation

A Practical, Thoughtful Guide for Western Christians Author: Rod Dreher I’m still experiencing the afterglow of reading this book and a surprising energy, a desire to ACTUALLY DO something. Indeed, after Dreher’s call for readers to get off their behinds and build the strong Christian community that they want to live in, instead of wasting time and efforts seeking solutions in politics, I started looking more closely for communities near me. Coming from someone who is a self-affirmed hermit, this is a true testimony to the power of The Benedict Option, both the book by Rod Dreher and the actual lifestyle. [...]

2023-03-12T10:37:54-07:00March 12th, 2023|Tags: , , , , , |

None of These Diseases

A Look Behind God's Ancient Laws Authors: S.I. McMillen & David E. Stern Anyone who has spent any amount of time with the Old Testament is familiar with the seemingly endless laws, the daily thou shalts that get down to the level of when and where to relieve oneself, what foods can and cannot be eaten, when to rest, and even when to wash and when to quarantine. As children, these sections seemed tedious, but as adults we start to wonder about these ancient laws that seem to have more to do with the health and wellness of God’s people than [...]

2022-08-20T14:21:00-07:00August 20th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , |
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