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Sophie Kinsella

Burnout, The

Enjoy the Ride  Author: Sophie Kinsella Sasha is sick. Sick of work. Sick of friends. Sick of family. Sick of cooking. Sick of sex even, as she tells the cute guy at the takeout place. She just can’t be bothered anymore, and when a frantic attempt to join the nunnery next door (to escape yet another mandatory moment at the employee joyfulness work program) backfires, she finds herself on leave with instructions to “rest.” Her mother and desperate family take over, sending her to the fancy seaside resort she dreamed of as a child. But . . .things have changed [...]

2024-12-26T15:45:39-07:00December 26th, 2024|Tags: , , , |

Love Your Life

Love is . . . a country? Author: Sophie Kinsella Romance was already in Ava’s mind when she began the writing retreat. Before leaving she’d discussed it with her friends. How love is not something you can stipulate with an app that dictates everything from height to distance, but something that happens, organically. Something that doesn’t bow to “deal breakers” or preferences. So, when the neighboring martial arts class ends up joining the writer’s retreat, Ava soon abandons her novel in-progress for a Mediterranean fling. Only she’s convinced it’s the real thing. Part of the retreat is to use fake names, [...]

2022-08-12T12:22:53-07:00August 12th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , , |
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