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First Lie Wins

The Last Mark Author: Ashley Elston Evie Porter has a good life, at least, from what you can see. She’s living with and engaged to Ryan Sumner, a wealthy man with a good business. The problem? Evie Porter is a lie – everything from her history to her name – and her fiancé is her mark. This is her last chance. She dares not think of what will happen if she doesn’t provide her elusive boss, Mr. Smith, with the information he wants about Ryan. The stakes are high. Failing again is not an option. But perhaps this job isn’t a [...]

2024-05-29T11:11:53-07:00May 29th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |

Flicker in the Dark, A

The Past Will Repeat Itself Author: Stacy Willingham Chloe Davis is still self-medicating to forget the past. But the past isn’t dead, and it’s coming for her and everyone she loves. When she was twelve, she discovered a devastating secret in her father’s closet. One that lead to his conviction as the heartless killer of six teenage girls from their town, including one of Chloe’s friends. Now, as an adult, Chloe continues to hide from the past. As a psychologist, she should know better. But she keeps taking her illegal Xanax, drinking her wine, and pretending that her life – and [...]

2024-05-06T05:28:05-07:00May 6th, 2024|Tags: , , , |

Collective, The

Justice or Murder? Author: Alison Gaylin Have you ever wanted revenge so desperately, that you didn’t care about the costs? Have you ever wanted justice to the degree that it consumes your every day, and all your thoughts are of bloody death, of tearing away life and happiness as it was torn away from you? For Camille Gardner, this desire is more than an obsession. It’s a trap. Camille’s grief became rage. She lost her daughter to a careless frat boy, who raped her and left her to die in the snow. But the world sees only a glowing boy with [...]

2024-04-06T19:01:47-07:00April 6th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |
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