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Nuremberg Trial, The

A Surprisingly Dull Treaties on International Law Authors: Ann & John Tusa Ann and John Tusa teamed together to create The Nuremberg Trial, a five-hundred-page opus covering the literal trial of the century where multiple nations gathered together, post-World War II, to decide the fate of the remaining Nazi leaders. In this international quest for justice, England, America, France, and the former USSR struggled with issues of vengeance, with perceived “victor’s justice,” with fairness and legality, and with establishing a new precedent for international law. Together, these nations participated in a yearlong trial of 22 defendants, including the infamous Hermann Göring. [...]

If I Did It

He Totally Did It . . . Author: OJ Simpson Time for some honesty. I think we have all kind of wanted to read If I Did It since the rumors circulated that the man who allegedly killed Nicole Simpson and got away with it was going to publish a book about his crime and to thumb his nose at the justice system that let him walk. I think most of us had the guttural reaction of repulsion and disgust, but that inner rubbernecker in us all wanted to know just what OJ was finally willing to say about the night [...]

2022-08-14T12:34:28-07:00August 14th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , , , , |
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