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true crime

If I Did It

He Totally Did It . . . Author: OJ Simpson Time for some honesty. I think we have all kind of wanted to read If I Did It since the rumors circulated that the man who allegedly killed Nicole Simpson and got away with it was going to publish a book about his crime and to thumb his nose at the justice system that let him walk. I think most of us had the guttural reaction of repulsion and disgust, but that inner rubbernecker in us all wanted to know just what OJ was finally willing to say about the night [...]

2022-08-14T12:34:28-07:00August 14th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Man Eater

Rage, Revenge, Cannibalism Author: Ryan Green She wasn’t always a killer. She even nursed wounded animals as a young child. But when the one male relative who was kind to her died, Katherine Knight became someone else. Powerless and sexually abused, Katherine would grow into a woman filled with rage and a desire to control. No longer the little girl who helped animals, Katherine took a job at an abattoir where her skill and love of the job earned her fame and a place alongside the men. Skilled in butchery, she slowly escalated her behavior, dabbling in violence and domination until [...]

2022-07-26T09:23:49-07:00July 12th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , |

Without Pity

12 Gripping True Crime Stories Author: Ann Rule Without Pity is a collection of 12 true crime stories, each focusing on a murderer hidden in plain sight, under the guise of a friend or kindly neighbor, an innocuous do-gooder with an ulterior motive. In this volume, Rule curates nine stories from previous volumes (and provides timely updates on each), grouped around this theme of goodness underpinned by a hidden evil. Without Pity also contains three new stories. While many of Rule’s fans are less than happy with a “new” volume that mostly contains old material, I came to Without Pity as [...]

2022-07-26T09:27:13-07:00July 6th, 2022|Tags: , , , , |
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